Psst, hey you….

Yearning for inspiration whether it be in the kitchen or your home itself? Do you want to know how to get designer looks, on a budget? Or maybe you are seeking a tad bit of confidence to tackle something new? Well, if so, you’re in the right place!

Ok, let’s cut to the chase. By sticking with me, you’ll learn new recipes or twists on traditional ones that you can share or selfishly indulge in by yourself. While you’re licking your fingers, you’ll also gain insight on DIY projects that are designed to build your confidence to tackle something similar (or different!) and yield high-quality results! By the end of each post, I want you to walk away knowing that you, too, can transform any space in your home, or that you can serve up a five-star restaurant quality meal, at super affordable prices- all it takes is a little knowledge sharing which I promise to deliver!

Unique in nature, my posts are informative and will share the steps in the journey whether it be in the kitchen or in the home, with any project along with what it costs to create. To share a little bit about myself, I’ve worked in the paint industry for several years, leading to my knowledge in coatings, substrates, proper surface preparation, and so much more. The building stuff on the other hand….I’m a YouTube university grad, LOL. I always hear that you can learn anything on YouTube- and they’re right. The only skill I’ve gained, and continue to work on, by my own experience is cooking. I. Love. To. Cook. I grew really passionate about cooking in 2013 and have been working on my craft since. I have a Master Class membership where I enjoy continuous learning, and I also look forward to taking classes to learn even more.

Contrary to popular belief, just to share a quick fun fact about me, I’ve never been the girl that’s into dolls and makeup. The furthest I would get is lipstick, if my mom would let me wear it. Instead, I always wanted to be outside playing in the dirt, riding a bike, playing sports, or even just practicing whatever it is I wanted to perfect. This translated into my adult life where I found myself being one of few women working in male-dominated industries, which brewed a particular confidence I don’t know would have been brewed by experiencing anything else. I learned SO much, and by applying a special touch to the knowledge I have, I think I can be of service to women and men alike by sharing what I know while also building that same confidence I had to build, but applying it differently- to art created with your own hands. There’s something special about creating, and for me creating in the kitchen or creating within a room or a space is invigorating.

Another quick, kinda random, yet important fact is that I love butterflies! There’s something intriguing about the process they go through and the length of the process to become the beautiful beings they are. It’s similar to food and spaces- transformations can take time, but the outcomes are all different and each is worth celebrating!

Now back to what’s important here- you! Are you thinking of tackling some home improvement projects, or a new recipe in the kitchen, but not sure if you’ll truly get the end results you want? Subscribe to my page for fresh content weekly that will give you a boost of confidence to conquer what you already know YOU CAN! 😉